Transparence: liste des collaborations impliquant des universités ou des entreprises israéliennes

En adéquation avec les efforts de transparence de l’EPFL, nous publions ci-dessous la liste des collaboration académiques et/ou industrielles en cours ou passées impliquant des institutions israéliennes.

Il peut exister plusieurs types d’accords: 

La grande majorité des accords que l’EPFL a avec des partenaires internationaux visent à faciliter la mobilité des étudiants. Nous avions précédemment des accords avec des institutions en Israël, mais ils ont presque tous expiré et, pour des raisons de sécurité, nous ne prévoyons pas actuellement de les renouveler (il est impossible d’envoyer nos étudiants là-bas). Néanmoins, nous maintenons des relations avec ces institutions et leur permettons, par exemple, d’envoyer quelques étudiants à l’EPFL.

Nous avons également un accord institutionnel multilatéral (EuroTech) comprenant une université israélienne (Technion). Il s’agit d’une alliance de six universités européennes existant depuis dix ans et visant à : 1) échanger les bonnes pratiques, 2) promouvoir les échanges entre nos communautés, 3) accroître notre visibilité, principalement auprès de la Commission européenne, 4) augmenter notre taux de réussite des propositions de recherche, principalement auprès de la communauté européenne. Nous ne finançons pas directement des activités de recherche dans le cadre de cet accord (les chercheurs doivent obtenir leurs propres fonds pour des projets spécifiques).

Pour ces projets, un mécanisme est toujours en place pour évaluer le risque que la recherche pose en termes de sécurité internationale et tient compte de l’origine du partenaire international. Les projets que nous menons avec des institutions israéliennes (environ 20) ont donc déjà passé par ce processus et ne contribue donc pas aux efforts de guerre d’Israël. En raison de la situation géopolitique actuelle, la plupart des institutions européennes renforcent ces contrôles, et nous faisons de même à l’EPFL.

Ces rares contrats sont soumis au même type de contrôle que les projets de recherche avant leur signature.

Nous n’avons pas d’accord avec le gouvernement israélien.

Liste des collaborations

Collaborations de recherche en cours impliquant une université ou entreprise israélienne

source financeactionName of callpartner nameyear aloc
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-FETOPEN-2016-2017-RIAWeizmann Institute of Science 2018
H2020Societal ChallengesH2020-JTI-IMI2-2017-13-TWO STAGETel Aviv Medical Center2019
H2020Excellent ScienceMSCA-ITN-2018Tel Aviv University – TAU 2018
Off. Conf.Divers ConfédérationERA-Net-Other fundings, year 2018The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2018
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-INFRADEV-2018-1Weizmann Institute of Science 2018
H2020Excellent ScienceMSCA-ITN-2019 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2019
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2019Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem2020
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2019Tel Aviv University – TAU 2020
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2019The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2020
H2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-ICT-48-2020Bar Ilan University2020
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-INFRAIA-2020Weizmann Institute of Science 2021
H2020Societal ChallengesH2020-MG-2018-2019-2020Bar Ilan University2021
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-MSCA-ITN-2020Weizmann Institute of Science 2020
H2020Excellent ScienceMSCA-COFUND-2019Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2020
H2020Excellent ScienceFETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2020
H2020Societal ChallengesH2020-LC-SC3-RES-3-2020Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2021
FNSFNS-COSTFNS-COST – Proposals submitted in year 2021Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Center2021
Horizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeEIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2022
Horizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01 (stage 1)Weizmann Institute of Science 2022
Horizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-02The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2022
Horizon EuropeHorizon EuropeERC-2023-SYGWeizmann Institute of Science 2023
Horizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01Mellanox Technologies Ltd. 2023
FNSFNS-transitional meaSNSF Starting Grants 2023Weizmann Institute of Science 2023
Horizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03Bar Ilan University2023
Horizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03Ben-Gurion University of the Negev2023

Collaborations de recherche terminées impliquant une université ou entreprise israélienne

source financeactionName of callpartner nameyear aloc
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies FP7-ICT-2009-5Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2010
FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITNWeizmann Institute of Science 2010
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies, FP7-ICT-2009-C – For Batch_09 full STREP and CSA SagivTech Ltd 2010
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies, FP7-ICT-2009-C – For Batch_09 full STREP and CSA Tel Aviv University – TAU 2010
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-SST-2008.RTD-1Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2010
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies: FP7-ICT-2009-6 Weizmann Institute of Science 2010
FP7 – PCRDCooperationJoint Technology Initiatives – SP1-JTI-CS-2010-01Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2010
FP7 – PCRDFP7 – PCRDAutres projets FP7 2009Weizmann Institute of Science 2011
FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITNTel Aviv University 2010
FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITNWeizmann Institute of Science 2010
FP7 – PCRDCapacitiesFP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-2Weizmann Institute of Science 2010
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-SEC-2011-1 Ministry of Public Security (Israel)2012
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-SEC-2011-1 Tracetech Security Ltd2012
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2011-C – For Batch_11 STREP and CSA Mellanox Technologies Ltd. 2011
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2011-FET-F – FET Flagship InitiativeThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem2011
FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITNThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem2011
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2011-LARGE-5IBM ISRAEL – Science and Technology LTD2011
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2011-LARGE-5Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2011
FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITNWeizmann Institute of Science 2011
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2010-LARGE-4 (for Stage 2 only proposals retained at stage 1) Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2011
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2010-LARGE-4 (for Stage 2 only proposals retained at stage 1) Regentis 2011
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-2012-NMP-ICT-FoFOrbotech Ltd. 2012
FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITNWeizmann Institute of Science 2012
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2012-LARGE-6B-Nano Ltd2013
FNSFNS-Project FundingFNS – Basic research Grants Autumn 2012Ben-Gurion University of the Negev2013
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F – FET Flagship InitiativeBloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem2013
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F – FET Flagship InitiativeTel Aviv University – TAU 2013
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F – FET Flagship InitiativeThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem2013
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F – FET Flagship InitiativeUNIVERSITY OF HAIFA2013
FP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F – FET Flagship InitiativeWeizmann Institute of Science 2013
FNSFNS-SINERGIAFNS – Sinergia 2013The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2013
FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITNNanonics Ltd2013
FP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-TRANSPORT-2013-MOVE-1Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2014
FNSFNS – OtherFNS – Other programs 2013The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2013
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2015
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2015
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2015
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2015
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2015
H2020Societal ChallengesH2020-SC5-2014-two-stageBen-Gurion University of the Negev2015
H2020Societal ChallengesH2020-SC5-2014-two-stageIsrael Nature and Parks Authority2015
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-FETHPC-2014Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2015
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2015
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 Tel Aviv University – TAU 2016
Off. Conf.Divers ConfédérationERA-Net-Other fundings, year 2016Weizmann Institute of Science 2016
H2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-NMBP-2016-two-stageTel Aviv University – TAU 2016
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2017
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2017
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2017
Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific PartnershipWeizmann Institute of Science 2017
Off. Conf.Divers ConfédérationEurostars-Eureka-Celtic-Plus, year 2017Novelsat LTD2017
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 3GSolar Photovoltaics Ltd2017
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 Bar Ilan University2017
H2020Industrial Leadersh.IoT-03-2017IBM ISRAEL – Science and Technology LTD2017
H2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-NMBP-2017-two-stageYodfat Engineers (1994) Ltd2017
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FET-GRAPHENE-2017Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2018
H2020Societal ChallengesSEC-DRS-2014-2015IBM ISRAEL – Science and Technology LTD2018
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-FETHPC-2016-2017Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2018
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2017Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem2017
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2017Tel Aviv University – TAU 2017
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2017The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2017
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2017Weizmann Institute of Science 2017
Autres EUEITProposals submitted in year 2018Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2018
H2020Excellent ScienceFETFLAG-01-2018Bar Ilan University2019
H2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-ICT-2018-02IBM ISRAEL – Science and Technology LTD2018
Autres EUEITProposals submitted in year 2018Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2018
Autres EUEITProposals submitted in year 2018Strauss Group2018
Autres EUEITProposals submitted in year 2018Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2019
H2020Excellent ScienceFETOPEN-01-2018-2019Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2019
H2020Excellent ScienceFETOPEN-01-2018-2019Stratasys LTD2019
H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FET-GRAPHENE-2019Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2020
Autres EUEITProposals submitted in year 2019Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2020
FNSFNS – OtherFNS – Scientific Exchanges submitted in year 2021Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION) 2021

Contrats de recherche (ponctuels) impliquant ou ayant impliqué une université ou entreprise israélienne

Project nameSource financeActionName of callDate startedDate ended
NisB: The Network is the BusinessFP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies FP7-ICT-2009-501.04.201001.10.2012
DYNAMOL: Dynamic Molecular NanosructuresFP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN01.01.201101.01.2014
UNLocX: Uncertainty principles versus localization properties, function systems for efficient coding schemesFP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies, FP7-ICT-2009-C – For Batch_09 full STREP and CSA 01.09.201001.09.2013
CATS: City Alternative Transport SystemFP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-SST-2008.RTD-116.04.201016.04.2014
VERE – Virtual Embodiment and Robotic Re-EmbodimentFP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies: FP7-ICT-2009-6 01.06.201001.06.2015
SANS: Sensitizer Activated Nanostructured Solar CellsFP7 – PCRDCooperationJoint Technology Initiatives – SP1-JTI-CS-2010-0101.10.201001.10.2013
PREDECT – New Models for Preclinical Evaluation of Drug Efficacy in Common Solid TumoursFP7 – PCRDFP7 – PCRDAutres projets FP7 200901.01.201101.01.2016
METAFLUX: Metabolic flux analysis and CancerFP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN01.10.201001.10.2014
Euro-bioimagingFP7 – PCRDCapacitiesFP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-201.12.201001.08.2013
SNIFFER—A bio-mimicry enabled artificial snifferFP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-SEC-2011-1 01.09.201101.09.2014
DEEP – Dynamical Exascale Entry PlatformFP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2011-C – For Batch_11 STREP and CSA 21.01.201121.01.2014
HBP – Human Brain ProjectFP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2011-FET-F – FET Flagship Initiative01.03.201101.03.2016
NAMASENFP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN01.07.201101.07.2014
MuProD Innovative proactive Quality Control system for in-process multi-stage defect reductionFP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2011-LARGE-501.10.201101.10.2014
SPHINGONET—Sphingolipid homeostasis: from basic biology to applicationsFP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN01.02.201201.02.2016
BIODESIGN—Rational Bioactive Materials Design for Tissue RegenerationFP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2010-LARGE-4 (for Stage 2 only proposals retained at stage 1) 01.10.201101.10.2015
Flex-o-Fab: Pilot-scale hybrid roll to roll/sheet to sheet manufacturing chain for flexible OLEDsFP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-2012-NMP-ICT-FoF14.12.201114.12.2014
MOWSeS:Nanoelectronics based on two-dimensional dichalcogenidesFP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN01.03.201301.03.2017
PLIANT : Process Line Implementation for Applied Surface NanotechnologiesFP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-NMP-2012-LARGE-609.05.201209.05.2016
Towards deciphering the role of N-terminal post-translational modifications in regulating the function of Huntingtin (Htt) in health and disease.FNSFNS-Project FundingFNS – Basic research Grants Autumn 201201.06.201301.06.2016
HBP: The Human Brain ProjectFP7 – PCRDCooperationInformation and Communication Technologies – FP7-ICT-2013-FET-F – FET Flagship Initiative01.07.201301.07.2016
Calcium imaging of cellular and circuit dysfunctions in neurodegenerationFNSFNS-SINERGIAFNS – Sinergia 201301.08.201301.08.2016
FINON – Female Investigators in Nonlinear Optical Nanoscopy FP7 – PCRDPeopleFP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN28.03.201328.03.2017
PECDEMOFP7 – PCRDCooperationFP7-TRANSPORT-2013-MOVE-103.03.201403.03.2017
Similitudes of systems of quadratic formsFNSFNS – OtherFNS – Other programs 201301.10.201301.12.2013
Fixed-Point Theorems and super-rigidity in non-positive curvatureNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership15.01.201515.01.2017
Photonic circuits on a chip for All-Optical Quantum NetworksNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership15.01.201515.01.2017
Design and optimization of biosensors toward selfmonitoring of phenylketonuria patientsNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership15.01.201515.01.2017
Epigenetic and transcriptional landscape alterations at endogenous retroelements during reprogramming to pluripotencyNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership15.02.201515.02.2017
Compositionally Anisotropic Catalytic/Magnetic Nanoparticles for Contaminant Capture and Purification of Enantiomeric Mixtures via Self-propulsionNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership15.01.201515.01.2017
EuroLab-4-HPC – Foundations of a European Research Center of Excellence in High Performance Computing SystemsH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-FETHPC-201401.09.201501.09.2017
Coral on a chip – Metabolic fluxes and chemical signaling during coral desease at the single-cell level. Non lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership15.01.201515.01.2017
FINESSE – Fibre Nervous Sensing SystemsH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-MSCA-ITN-2016
RoboCom++Off. Conf.Divers ConfédérationERA-Net-Other fundings, year 201601.09.201601.09.2019
FASTGRID – Cost effective FCL using advanced superconducting tapes for future HVDC gridsH2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-NMBP-2016-two-stage01.01.201701.07.2020
Rapid slip nucleation at frictional interfaces: From computer Earthquakes to fundamental theoryNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership
CISS – Spin-dependent electron transfer at chiral electrodesNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership01.03.201701.03.2019
Identification and characterization of new contact site proteins conservedNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership01.05.201701.05.2019
Spatial chronobiology of the mammalian liverNon lucr.Rotschild Caesarea FWeizmann-EPFL Scientific Partnership01.04.201701.04.2019
E – TV SDN – TV SDN : When Headend met NetworkOff. Conf.Divers ConfédérationEurostars-Eureka-Celtic-Plus, year 201701.09.201701.09.2019
MAESTRO – MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitableH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-MSCA-ITN-2017
BOOST 4.0 – Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0H2020Industrial Leadersh.IoT-03-201701.01.201801.01.2021
GENESIS – High performance MOF and IPOSS enhanced membrane systems as next generation CO2 capture technologiesH2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-NMBP-2017-two-stage
Graphene Core 2 – Graphene Flagship Core Project 2 H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FET-GRAPHENE-2017
IRGC third party of Swiss Re in SmartResilience project funded Project ID: 700621 H2020Societal ChallengesSEC-DRS-2014-201501.11.201701.05.2019
Consolidation of European Research Excellence in Exascale HPC SystemsH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-FETHPC-2016-201701.04.201801.04.2020
HBP SGA 2 – Projet parentH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-2017
BioWings – Bio-compatible electrostrictive smart materials for future generation of medical micro-electro- mechanical systemsH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-FETOPEN-2016-2017-RIA
University of Warsaw – Summer school on new product development for the food industryAutres EUEITProposals submitted in year 201801.01.201801.01.2019
Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsementH2020Societal ChallengesH2020-JTI-IMI2-2017-13-TWO STAGE01.04.201901.04.2024
Joint Training and Research Program on Lifespan Regulation Mechanisms in Health and DiseaseH2020Excellent ScienceMSCA-ITN-2018
BIG DATA OF THE PAST FOR THE FUTURE OF EUROPE (stage 1 and 2)H2020Excellent ScienceFETFLAG-01-201801.03.201901.03.2020
The DiSCoVeR Project: Examining the synergistic effects of a cognitive control videogame and a home-based, self-administered non-invasive brain stimulation on alleviating depressionOff. Conf.Divers ConfédérationERA-Net-Other fundings, year 201801.01.201901.01.2022
A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution EnvironmentsH2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-ICT-2018-02
Ensuring long-term sustainability of excellence in chemical biology within Europe and beyond H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-INFRADEV-2018-1
EIT Food Accelerator Network FANAutres EUEITProposals submitted in year 201801.01.201801.01.2019
Proton transport and proton-coupled transportH2020Excellent ScienceMSCA-ITN-2019 01.09.201901.09.2023
Global Food Venture ProgramAutres EUEITProposals submitted in year 201801.01.201901.01.2020
Analysis, Design, And Manufacturing using MicrostructuresH2020Excellent ScienceFETOPEN-01-2018-2019
Graphene Flagship Core Project 3 H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FET-GRAPHENE-2019
Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3H2020Excellent ScienceH2020-SGA-FETFLAG-HBP-201901.04.202001.04.2023
Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Reasoning, Learning and OptimizationH2020Industrial Leadersh.H2020-ICT-48-2020
A Pan-European Solid-State NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling AccessH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-INFRAIA-2020
Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility ManagementH2020Societal ChallengesH2020-MG-2018-2019-2020
PhD Innovation Excellence in Clean Energy Transportation – EIT Urban MobilityAutres EUEITProposals submitted in year 201901.01.202001.01.2021
A game change in continuous biosensing: Molecularly engineered affinity-based nanoswitches for personal monitoringH2020Excellent ScienceH2020-MSCA-ITN-2020
International Postdoc Academy in Science and TechnologyH2020Excellent ScienceMSCA-COFUND-2019
International cooperation for selective conversion of CO2 into METHAnol under SOLar lightH2020Societal ChallengesH2020-LC-SC3-RES-3-2020
Quantification of lipid enantiomers by IR/UV-MS fingerprinting using single chiral standardsFNSFNS-COSTFNS-COST – Proposals submitted in year 202101.01.202201.01.2024
Advanced human-relevant preclinical in vitro pulmonary platforms using hydrogel-based 3D airwaysFNSFNS – OtherFNS – Scientific Exchanges submitted in year 202101.03.202201.03.2027
ANion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis from Low-grade water sourcesHorizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeEIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-0101.01.202301.01.2027
Personalised blueprint intestinal healthHorizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01 (stage 1)
EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase ProjectHorizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-0201.11.202201.11.2026
Stochastic Spiking Wireless Multimodal Sensory SystemsHorizon EuropeHorizon EuropeERC-2023-SYG01.06.202301.06.2029
Photonic System Engineering with MicrocombsHorizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-0101.09.202301.09.2027
Unveiling the role of the lipidome in neural tube patterning and cellular specification FNSFNS-transitional meaSNSF Starting Grants 202301.01.202401.01.2029
High-Efficiency Perovskites on Flexible Substrates for Sustainable ApplicationsHorizon EuropeSERI Horizon EuropeHORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-0301.11.202301.11.2027